Egyptian Cuisine (January 2018)

I've never traveled to Egypt, but I love Egyptian food. Be adventurous, take a journey to Egypt with your palate!


1 cup rice
½ cup vermicelli pasta
1 cup garbanzos or (1 can rinsed)
1 cup macaroni noodles
1 cup brown lentils
1 cup tomato sauce (store bought or homemade)
5 onions, diced large

  1. Rinse and sort lentils. Cover with 3 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer until tender. 
  2. Fry vermicelli for 2-3 minutes in a dry pan and set aside. 
  3. Then, cook rice according to package directions. 
  4. Cook macaroni according to package directions. 
  5. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 
  6. Combine onions on a sheet pan or in a glass dish and drizzle with 1-2 Tbsps of oil, and cook in oven for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Assembling Koushari: 
On a platter, arrange in this order.
  1. Rice and vermicelli
  2. Chickpeas
  3. Pasta
  4. Lentils
  5. Tomato Sauce
  6. Onions


generous ½ cup fine bulgur wheat
2 ½ cups parsley, chopped
½ cup finely chopped green onions
¼ cup finely chopped mint
1 1/1 to 2 Tbsps olive oil
2 Tbsps lemon juice
1 ½ tsps salt
sumac (optional)
2 firm ripe tomatoes, chopped

Soak bulgur wheat in a bowl with cold water to cover. Leave for 30 minutes. Then drain and squeeze to remove excess moisture. Put in a bowl and add all the other ingredients and mix well. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.

Baba Ghannouj

1 medium-sized eggplant
¼ cup raw tahini
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
1 scant tsp salt
2 cloves garlic
1 ½ tsps olive oil 

Roast eggplant over a grill for 30-40 minutes. Alternatively, place in a hot oven (400 degrees F)  and roast for around 45 minutes. Let cool enough to handle and peel off the skin. Add eggplant and all remaining ingredients into a food processor or blender. Texture will not be completely smooth. Serve at room temperature.

Carob Fudge

1 ½ cups carob chips
1 cup peanut butter
½ cup maple syrup
1 cup softened dates, chopped
1 cup walnuts, chopped

Melt carob chips in a double boiler or in the microwave. Once melted, add peanut butter and maple syrup. Stir well, and fold in walnuts and dates. Pour mixture into 8 by 8 pan and chill. Cut into squares and serve.